Three Bridges West, a San Francisco film company, recently released a short video on the question of Uncertainty and Human Perception, featuring interviews with a number of noted researchers and writers including: Dr. Ted Peters, Dr. Dean Radin, Dr. Ilia Delio, Dr. Philip Clayton and Dr. Frank Heile.  I was delighted to be included in the panel, offering ideas drawn from two of my essays – Thinking Beyond the Empirical Frontiers, and The How and the Why of Emergence and Intention.

Thinking Beyond the Empirical Frontiers:

Hard limits on the empirical frontier demand a reassessment of our obsession with material reality. Understanding the world requires both empirical knowledge and an exploration of faith, which governs the other side. Complexity science points towards faith in a purposeful world guided by intentional, flowing love.

The How and the Why of Emergence and Intention

From the study of emergence, causation and intention, we learn that a cosmic intentionality guides the emergent cascade and has given us life, beauty, joy and consciousness – it has loved us. We should love it back, with humility and gratitude for its many gifts, including the gifts of our imperfect and necessarily limited empirical understanding.

Both essays are available on the Publications page.

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