Promoting Enduring Peace (PEP), a non-profit founded in 1952, is dedicated to world peace, justice and environmental sustainability. One of the key issues faced by all such organizations is overwhelming informational overload – all of it negative, all of it alarming. With everyone trying to get attention and raise money, the appeals have become increasingly dramatic – even hysterical. PEP decided to try something different, by focusing on positive success stories. Welcome to “PEP Talks – Enjoy Some Peace Today”.

PEP Talk #1 reports on the remarkable fact that, at the time of writing, there were no wars underway in the entire Western Hemisphere — thirty countries, two continents, one billion people — experiencing peace, in some cases for the first time in generations. The last armed conflict, in Columbia, was resolved through “soft tactics” that encouraged disarmament and negotiation, an approach that earned Columbian President Juan Manuel Santos the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize.

You can also subscribe to our new YouTube channel for all future episodes: PEP Talks – Enjoy Some Peace Today (and get an advance peak at PEP Talk #2 – Climate Catastrophe Averted).

Help combat negativity, burn-out, cynicism and despair. Watch and share some good news about peace and the environment, and learn how our successes provide valuable lessons on how we can approach our current problems and help make the world better.

Thanks for listening!  Enjoy some peace today.

Photo Credit: Democracy Now 

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